Posts Tagged ‘Brittany’
SlickforceGirl: Girls Gone Hero Team-up Poster
Five years ago this week, we released the first SlickforceGirl teaser art ever. Since then, we've witnessed twelve original heroes come to life, each one unique in her ability to bring good to the world. To commemorate our 5-year mark, we're releasing the first team-up poster featuring all 12 of our heroes.
This beautiful artwork was a team effort in itself: drawn by the incredible Chris Williams, inked by the talented Jake Isenberg, and colored by the triple-threat of Ula Mos, Splash! and Blond. It's also been uploaded to our IMDB page, which chronicles every SlickforceGirl video released since the original "Vanessa Veasley Learns to Fly" in 2012.
Click on the image above to see the full HD poster, and here's to another five years!
Colors by ULA MOS, SPLASH! and BLOND
12 of 12: SlickforceGirl Comes Full Circle
In June of 2012, we released the first teaser images for SlickforceGirl, ultimately announcing twelve characters that would kick off our universe. Over the next four years, a new hero was introduced every few months to join our #GirlsGoneHero team. We are excited to finally be at the release of our twelfth SlickforceGirl.
See our original teaser posts here, and stay tuned for the release of our wildest hero yet!
Commander Brittany by Chris Williams and Ula Mos
Commander Brittany made quite a splash when touched down at Stan Lee's Comikaze last year. So what better way for her to crash into 2015 than with some beautiful new art? This stunning piece comes to us from illustrator Chris Williams and colorist Ula Mos. Click the image to download the HD version!
Pencils by Chris Williams - Deviant Art | Twitter
Inks and colors by Ula Mos - Deviant Art | Facebook
VIDEO: SlickforceGirl does Stan Lee’s Comikaze 2014
Hey there, SlickforceGirl fans. I just got this behind-the-scenes video back from our editor and couldn't wait to feature it on the blog. The video is from this year's Stan Lee's Comikaze and, as you can see, we had a total blast hanging out with all of you, and our girls made so many new friends. Looking forward to next year's convention and all the awesome adventures it will bring! Until then, enjoy this backstage-pass video featuring SlickforceGirls Brittany and Erika, as well as artist Corey Knaebel and writer Stephanie Jones.
~ Corey Stevenson
Naval Commander Brittany – Original Pencils by Corey Knaebel
As we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving, we want to give thanks to all of you for your incredible support over the years. We received so much positive response to the Commander Brittany cover both on our social media and in person at Comikaze, that we've decided to post the gorgeous original pencil work by artist Corey Knaebel.
If you missed the mailer announcement, you can still pick up your Comikaze Exclusive Commander Brittany and Airman Erika illustrated posters in the SaglimbenStore. And because it's Black Friday weekend, ALL SlickforceGirl items are 30% off now thru Monday right here.
With our fearless heroes, our team of stellar artists and incredible fans like you, we're excited to kick SlickforceGirl up another level next year with some surprises that we'll reveal shortly after the New Year.
Wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy Thanksgiving. Commander Brittany and the rest of the Girls salute you!
Pencils by Corey Knaebel - Deviant Art | Facebook
SlickforceGirl’s Comikaze 2014 Cosplay Photo Gallery
As most of you probably know by now, Stan Lee's Comikaze was a couple weeks ago at the Los Angeles Convention Center and the turnout was huge! We were lucky enough to have a booth close to the center of the convention this year so that meant a lot of foot traffic. Erika and Brittany were there signing autographs and taking pictures with fans, as well as artist Corey Knaebel.
Needless to say, the whole weekend was a blast and we have the photos to prove it. You can check out our full Comikaze 2014 cosplay and behind-the-scenes photo gallery below. Leave a comment if you stopped by the booth and let us know what you thought of everything. We can't wait to see all of you again next year!
~ Corey Stevenson
Photos courtesy of Craig's Cosplay Corral - Facebook
Commander Brittany Faux Cover by Corey Knaebel & Ula Mos
Naval Commander Brittany has always been a badass. During our live-action shoot, our good friend & model Brittany Dailey brought the perfect combination of fearless hero and sexy swag to the character. Lucky for us, artists Corey Knaebel and Ula Mos were able to capture that swag in cartoon form.
In this beautiful faux cover, Brit returns to base to recharge—and accept a little adoration from her fellow warriors.
BREAKING NEWS: Model Brittany Dailey will be joining us at our SlickforceGirl booth at Stan Lee's Comikaze Oct 31-Nov 2, signing this limited edition poster, along with artist Corey Knaebel. Be sure to come by and see us!
In case you missed it, here's a lookback at the making of Brittany's shoot below!
Pencils by Corey Knaebel - Deviant Art | Facebook
Inks and colors by Ula Mos - Deviant Art | Facebook