SlickforceGirl brings together a diverse group of talented artists and models to fight for a common good. Developed by photographer and filmmaker Nick Saglimbeni, the SlickforceGirl project blends cutting-edge photography with comic-book-inspired visuals, and showcases empowered women from all corners of the globe as they join forces and use their beauty, brains and courage to help those in need.

A portion of the profits from sales of certain SlickforceGirl items is donated to charity. SlickforceGirl has recently teamed up with The Breast Cancer Charities of America (BCCA) to promote their iGoPink campaign. BCCA leads the quest to educate the public about non-traditional breast cancer prevention and treatment options, as well as early detection, survival and quality of life.

Look for SlickforceGirl items and artwork featuring the pink ribbon.

SlickforceGirl has also raised money and made donations to RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network) and Autism Speaks.

In the spirit of recognizing the contributions of real-life heroes, SlickforceGirl regularly sends care packages containing food and warm clothing to deployed US troops in the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. We have also raised money through poster sales and made donations to the Hope for the Warriors fund.

We are immensely grateful to the artists, models, vendors and press who continue to help us make this visionary project a reality.

The fight begins here, but it ends with you. Bookmark for the latest updates, and visit for more information on BCCA and iGoPink.

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New Slickforce Softlight 2nd Generation

NEW – Slickforce Softlight 2nd Generation



Nick Saglimbeni's Mastering Lighting Series
Mastering Compositing: On Sale Now!
Nick Saglimbeni's Mastering Retouching Series - Order Now!
Rent the Ultimate Graveyard